15 Jun My Business Battle Cry: Be Passionate!
The pride in what you do – your business passion – will always set you apart from a faceless sea of competitors.
Written by Daniela Cavalletti
3 min read
Us Italians and us writers, we do love talking about passion and its importance in communication. So you may have heard me talk about the importance of ‘business passion’ in the past. A lot, in fact.
For me personally, anyone putting fierce love, dedication and enthusiasm into their everyday life and day-to-day work has my immediate attention and respect. It’s exciting and rewarding to see someone fired up by whatever it is they do, and how it can help others to have a better experience.
I’m talking about a business passion and personal zeal you simply can’t fake – a genuine interest in the other, in the task at hand.
Buzzing With Energy
Business passion, like any enthusiasm, is infectious. Just think Steve Jobs’ dedication to design and function, listen to a passionate TED talk by Brené Brown about vulnerability and shame, or read any novel by the ingenious and sadly late Iain M Banks bursting with imagination. When you watch kids (or any grown-up!) splash through big fat puddles or piles of autumn leaves – you see joy for life, passionate living.
And you cannot help but connect to it emotionally.
Business Passion Unites
During the tough times, like the COVID-19 pandemic and the business downturn it has brought for many an organisation, I have seen passion burn brightly in many businesses. The businesses I’ve seen not just survive but often also thrive with grace and loyal supportive customers all have something in common:
Honesty about their situation – paired with pure passion for what they do and for their clients.
Here in Tasmania the tourism and hospitality industries have been especially hard hit. But what emerged through the stress and shock of sudden change has been nothing short of inspiring.
My favourite book shop Petrarchs swiftly switched to online orders and hand-delivery. Local shop Hope & Me closed doors temporarily but opened up online conversations. The team at Stillwater restaurant who always put their team’s mental health first: our local businesses’ passion and honesty had customers rally around them. All of them re-opened to throngs of eager customers waiting to experience what they offer.
It made me proud to be part of this community.
Your Passion is Contagious
Business passion is one of the keys – if not the key – to making any commercial undertaking thrive. And you do not have to be an extrovert to show your passion: quiet enthusiasm and commitment to your work, your team’s welfare, and your clients’ needs works just as well.
People buy (into) not your ideas, product or service as such, but your personality and your passion, and, as Simon Sinek calls it, the “why” of what you do and stand for. Be it in your business, an interview, at home. And they will often connect with your passion and enthusiasm over and above the most polished, but dispassionate product, service or presentation. So, in any important life encounter or business meeting:
Be real; be your passionate self.
By being genuinely and deeply engaged, authentic and caring – and a real person rather than a persona – in your business dealings, you will create more connection and opportunities. You will have a stronger team, and better clients.
You will not only do better business – it will bring you more joy to boot.
Steve Brumby
Posted at 10:12h, 16 JuneSpot on Daniela – love your work!!
Daniela Cavalletti
Posted at 10:26h, 16 JuneCheers, Steve. We certainly live in a fine community of passionate and business owners.
Kirsty Mate
Posted at 11:34h, 16 JuneGreat article Daniela! We’re really lucky to live in a community full of passionate people I think and agree totally with your sentiments!
Daniela Cavalletti
Posted at 13:21h, 16 JuneThank you, Kirsty. I do think that we are especially lucky here. And I’ve seen similar stories happen in Sydney. It’s heartening to see that that support of passionate businesses and their owners work in the big smoke, a rural country town – and anywhere in between.
Roland Hanekroot
Posted at 15:00h, 17 JuneLove seeing passion ignited… them’s fighting words Ms Cavalletti
Daniela Cavalletti
Posted at 15:18h, 17 JuneDankuwell, Mijnheer Hanekroot!
Kath Hawkins
Posted at 16:02h, 21 JuneLove your work Daniela! Pivot or die has never been so true.
I also loved how many businesses shared their approaches and insights forward to help others survive. Truly a special community.
Daniela Cavalletti
Posted at 09:03h, 29 JuneIt’s been wonderful to watch how members of our community – and communities around the country and world – have come together to help each other through the tremors that COVID-19 has caused, Kath.